Monday, May 7, 2007

Selections from "A House on Mango Street" - Sandra Cisneros QR

"..the third floor, the paint peeling, wooden bars Papa had nailed on the windows so we wouldn't fall out. You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. There. I lived there." (Cisneros, 748-The House on Mango Street)

-This type of writing that Cisneros has such an incredible dominance over just shows you every emotion in an image. It brings to life the words and makes you see straight out of the eyes of the narrator. Its almost as if Cisneros doesn't have to say "it made me feel like nothing" because the reader feels like nothing just reading it. You hear the nun's voice and you feel the shame that makes this girl and yourself feel so small and useless. This is also a good quote just to show the way that many people feel about their lives, in America or anywhere else. America especially however because of this expectation of living that we seem to have.

"She likes looking at the walls, at how neatly their corners meet, the linoleum roses on the floor, the ceiling smooth as wedding cake." (Cisneros 749-Linoleum Roses)

-Once again Cisneros draws you into the life of Sally. This girl who, desperately trying to get away from her father, her life, her emptiness, got married too young and now is taking pride in the only thing she has, her possessions. This quote shows an extreme of women in society. It shows the prison many of them lived in during their marriages and the desperation that they had which, in turn was translated into a strange artificial love for things such as ceilings, and walls, and lamps and rugs.

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